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Health at Heart - Sep 5, 2024

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A closer look at ESG verification is influencing the debate over requiring corporations to report their carbon emissions. (Stanford Business)

Immersive multimedia events blend music and light to create multisensory magic. (Berklee Today)

The Museum of Jewish Montreal builds on the city’s rich Jewish heritage to support arts, culture, and community-building. (CANVAS)

Titmouse animation studio flies high. (Visual Arts Journal)

The path from software developer to manager of a legal clinic for rural entrepreneurs may not seem like an obvious one. But for this professor, it all makes sense. (Gargoyle)

A New York startup is racing tech’s biggest names to take quantum computing out of the lab and turn it into something that businesses can actually use. (HBS Alumni Bulletin)

Americans say they value open-mindedness—until their political allies listen to what the other side is saying. (Stanford Business)

A recent visit to a Muslim country raised unwelcome questions—and unnecessary fears. (Kveller)

How a humble Nobel laureate found a new mission: science diplomacy. (HBPH Magazine)

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